Right to work checks and illegal working in the digital age – a podcast

Illegal working is a serious business not only in terms of the sums made by those criminals who facilitate it, but also in the penalties that are issued to employers.
The Home Office’s guidance in this area changes regularly, partly to reflect changes in the immigration rules, but also to try to keep pace with the changing landscape of illegal working. This makes it so important for employers to stay on top of their compliance processes. Fraudsters are constantly evolving their approach to find their way into an organisation under false pretences which increases the risk of businesses unwittingly being exposed to non-compliance and hefty fines.
In a recent podcast, Employment and Immigration law specialist Adam Williams from DMH Stallard, was joined by TrustID CEO Tony Machin and Julia Terry, HR director for Tenpin Ltd, to discuss how employers can stay up to date and adopt the robust procedures needed to manage these threats, whilst at the same time ensuring that the issue doesn’t become so burdensome that it undermines operational efficiency. The key points which were covered included:
- The journey taken by Tenpin and their challenges around Right to Work
- Tenpin’s experience of technology and robust onboarding processes
- Current trends in illegal working and impersonation
- The importance of making accurate checks and decisions
- Top tips for employers
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